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Tag: growth

Articles tagged as Growth

The Importance of Stock Research and Analysis

Posted on February 20, 2023 by Chester Etheridge
A growing trend in the current inconsistent financial times is self-research and planning.Taking control and planning one's financial future is becoming very important for most people.There are some investors that don't think stock research is that important.They instead relay on stock tips along with other unreliable sources.However, if they're worried about their financial future, analysis is essential for spotting stocks that may make their little bit of money go farther than in virtually any savings or money market account...

Understanding a Stock's PEG Ratio

Posted on February 3, 2022 by Chester Etheridge
A PEG ratio can't be used alone but is a really powerful tool when integrated with the basics (price, volume and chart reading).You must enjoy crunching numbers and have a calculator handy to estimate your own PEG ratio.Access to quality statistical data from the internet such as past earnings and future earning estimates is vital to calculate this fundamental indicator.An assortment of websites produce a PEG ratio but I haven't found one website which has a dependable PEG ratio I can use for my research, so I calculate it myself, ensuring accuracy with the last number...