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Tag: selling

Articles tagged as Selling

The ABC's To Getting Started With Stocks

Posted on October 12, 2022 by Chester Etheridge
Many years back trading was reserved for the wealthy or for all those people that had the proper connections.However, with the explosion of the web and the capability to easily trade stocks online it is becoming more common for anybody with money and a need to trade to get and sell stocks of nearly every company.Possibly the only stigmatism that still exists may be the necessary knowledge had a need to understand the terminology connected with how the currency markets truly works...

Trading Stocks - Never Forget About A Past Trade

Posted on November 9, 2021 by Chester Etheridge
Most of us know that emotions control every decision that an investor makes in any type of money related vehicle.Whether is be the stock exchange, real estate, art work or antiques, emotions ultimately set the final price on both sides of the transaction.Some investors have greater control over their emotions while other investors are destroyed by their emotional reactions to certain events.One common occurrence I have seen many investors create, including myself, is putting a position in a stock at the wrong moment...

Successful Trading - Establish Your Risk Level

Posted on October 10, 2021 by Chester Etheridge
Before you embark upon a journey of trading stocks or futures contract, and prior to making any transactions, you MUST determine and establish your risk level.Dealers that fail to do this are often doomed from the beginning.The simple fact is that almost all trading accounts which go bust are due to the failure to ascertain at what stage the dealer will cut their losses and move on to another trade...